Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Still missing her

Going through so many transitions these days, the biggest one for me is having Julianna getting married this summer, caused me to look back a bit and miss my Grandma (and Grandpa). Being 50 (!) I can do a bit of looking back AND looking forward, and in the case of Grandma, it's encouraging and inspirational. I enjoy my memories of their farm in Grassy Lake. Usually a summer vacation visit, Christmas time, or some other event. There were always lots of people and of course food around! In the summers, I could scour the tall grass for lost bottles, explore all the cars and trucks, or visit the chickens. I remember "helping" building a big metal building. Grandpa gave me a big magnet and had me troll through the grass and debris for nails and screw that would tumble down. We was quite patient with me. I am still fascinated by the crank telephone on a party line. In later years I would enjoy my first driving experiences there. Too much fun!
I think with a bit of time passing, I continue to be amazed by the love and closeness of the entire family, and wish I could spend a day with everyone (one at a time) to really catch up and renew. The realities of time and distance don't allow that, so for that, we wait for our precious eternity together. I love and thank God for our parents/grandparents/great-grandparents and all of you. Barry.

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